How To Delete a Particular Host SSH Key in Linux

This post will guide you how to delete a paritcular ssh keys from your current Linux Operating systems. How do I delete SSH keys using a command under Linux system.

Delete a Particular Host SSH Key in Linux 1

Deleting Host Keys by Removing Files

If you want to remove all Host SSH keys from your Linux system, and you can directly remove all SSH key files located in $HOME/.ssh directory. so you can run the following command to delete host SSH keys, type:

$ sudo rm -rf $HOME/.ssh/


You can edit ~/.ssh/known_host file, and find your host line that you want to delete, and then press dd key on your keyboard. then save it.

Deleting Host Keys Using Ssh-keygen Command

If you want to remove a paritcular host key from known_hosts in your Linux system, for exmaple, you want to remove a SSH key for a host or, just running the following command:

$ sudo ssh-keygen -R
$ sudo ssh-keygen -R


[root@devops ~]# ssh-keygen -R
# Host found: line 2
/root/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
Original contents retained as /root/.ssh/known_hosts.old


You should know that how to delete a paritcular host ssh key using ssh-keygen command in your Linux system.

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