This post will guide you how to build rpm package for a Perl module using Cpanspec and rpmbuild tools under the CentOS/RHEL Linux machine.
Build RPMS For a Perl Module
If you want to build rpm package for a Perl module, you need to install two new packages: cpanspec and rpmbuild packages. The cpanspec is used to parse a CPAN distribution and produces a spec file. and the rpmbuild tool is used to take a spec file and a distribution and truns them into an RPM.
Install CpanSpec and Rpmbuild
Type the following command:
#yum install cpanspec #yum install rpmbuild
Make Directory Structure For Rpmbuild
You need to create a directory structure in which to build your rpms. Type the following command:
# mkdir rpm #mkdir ./rpm/BUILD #mkdir ./rpm/BUILDROOT #mkdir ./rpm/RPMS #mkdir ./rpm/SOURCES #mkdir ./rpm/SPECS #mkdir ./rpm/SRPMS
Then you need to create a file called .rpmmacros in your home directory, and added the below lines into it.
%packager osetc <> %vendor osetc %_topdir /root/rpm
Building RPM For Perl Module
You need to use the cpanspec to make the spec file and then using rpmbuild to build the rpm. For example, you have a perl mode tarball called osetc-0.01.tar.gz, then you can pass this tarball name to cpanspec tool. type the following command:
# cpanspec osetc-0.01.tar.gz
it will generate a spec file into /root/rpm/SPEC directory.
Now you can build the RPM with rpmbuild command, type:
# rpmbuild -ba /root/rpm/SPEC/perl-osetc.spec