Linux/Unix:How To Check User Belong To Which Groups

For a new linux Admin, How to check a user belong to which groups in linux server, or a user is in which group membership, this post will show you that using groups command to print the groups a user is in .

Check The Groups Membership Of A User

If you want to get the user’s groups membership, the syntax is as followss:

groups <username>


print the groups of “atest” user is in,  just issue the follwoing command in the command line interface;

groups atest


[root@localhost ~]# groups atest

atest : btest ctest dtest

If you want to check the user ‘s detailed infomation, using “id” command passing “username”, will output user’s uid, gid, groups information.

[root@localhost ~]# id atest

uid=503(atest) gid=504(btest) groups=504(btest),505(ctest),506(dtest) context=root:system_r:unconfined_t:SystemLow-SystemHigh

You can grep /etc/passwd or /etc/group files to get more user or group’s information, those two files store all user and groups membership.


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