If the servers you will be used are located in a same LAN env…then you can use rsh, rlogin,rcp or others commands to connect each servers, althought it transfers the password plainly, but security risks are not a problem in this kinds of env(LAN). In this post, you’ll see how to setup remote shell access on linux operating system, and How to configrue rsh so that no password prompt when logging the another server.
Setup Remote Shell Acess(RSH)
Step1: you need to install rsh and rshd packages and issue the following command:
#yum install rsh rsh-server
Step2: Edit “/etc/xinetd.d/rsh” configuraiton file to make sure rshd is enabled by checking the configuration file and find “disable” field. set it to “no“. the final version of configruation shown as below:
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
log_on_success += USERID
log_on_failure += USERID
server = /usr/sbin/in.rshd
disable = no
Step3: save and close the above configuraiton file, then Edit the ~.rhosts file and adding the remote hosts name or ipaddress into, then when other remote hosts try to connect this server, it will login directlry without password prompt.
#cat ~.rhost devops1.osetc.com devops2.osetc.com devops3.osetc.com
Step4: Restart the xinetd service, issue the following command:
#/etc/init.d/xinetd restart
#service xinetd restart
Step5: Go to one remote hosts, then execute the rsh command to login the this server to verify if it can direct to login without password. or just run the below command to verify:
#rsh devops1.osetc.com date